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I don't ask God for answers anymore.

I don't ask God for answers anymore.

I have lived long enough and been through enough to know that for me?

Every lost road led me back to my own heart.

Every tragedy raised me up higher and brought me to where I was supposed to be.

I don't ask God for answers anymore.

I wake up every single day and I say, "Lead me. Lead me to the places and people that are meant for my life. Show me the way. Show me. I trust you."

I don't need to know why things happened because they did happen and that's all I need to know.

I'm not trying to figure out the mystery of life or asking God for all of the answers.

I only say, "Help me through. Stay by my side. Lead me."

God has a plan for my life. And a lot of it has been messy and some of it so painful you can't even begin to touch that emotion and I don't know why God leads my boots in the direction that they go but standing here today?

I know that this is where I am supposed to be.

It all happened for a reason. And I'm not meant to endlessly ask "Why?" I am meant to say, "Yes" when presented with the challenge of leading others with my loving ministry.

Dear ones,

I don't know why your loss or your tragedy or your pain happened to you.

I only know that surrendering the questions will bring you a lot of peace.

God isn't asking me to live inside of yesterday.

God is giving me new life, new breath... new everything...every single day and all I have to do is say, "Yes and thank you."

I am exactly where I am meant to be. Emotionally, physically, mentally, and geographically.

God led me here and I'm not asking "why" anymore.

I am only going to continue to show up and say, "Yes." Even when it's hard. Even when I don't understand. Because God has gotten me this far. And that is no small feat after all I have endured on this earth.

In this time of social distancing.

I am going to make sure that I am not distancing myself from Jesus.

And it's not a magical cure.

And it's not taking the responsibility for my life off of me to "easily" place it onto a Savior.

I'm putting my trust in Jesus because it's His pure and raging LOVE that has gotten me to where I am meant to be so I'm going to trust in His path for my life because every time I have tried to step off of it in my 41 some years on this earth? I've lost a little bit of who I really am and I'm not going to do that anymore.

This is me.

Take it or leave it.

Follow or unfollow.

I'm not asking God why anymore....

I'm following the call I hear on the wind because every time I do?

It leads me to exactly where my heart is meant to be.

Love always, Nik



Copyright Nikki Bonkoski 2025

All images and text on this blog are credited to Nikki Bonkoski, unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Nikki Bonkoski is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links to this blog are permitted, providing that full credit is given to Nikki Bonkoski with clear and specific direction to the original content.

Website designer: Nikki Bonkoski 


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